Thanks to KK, Hui Meng, KS, Sharifah, Navina , Ravinder,Zul,Dennis,Imran,Teng teng, Swee Ling , Sharon,Nari, and all other Schneider staff :D!
E&S Department rocks ^o^
I'll miss u guys n girls alot :)
Thanks KK for the meal yesterday, and thanks to KS for the lunch today ^^ Really enjoy it ^^
Weekedays again, but I’m so happy ^^ Coz this is the last week for my practical training. After that will be one week holiday hehehehe !
Oh yea, don’t think I have enough sleep still. Last Saturday I sleep ‘ too early ’ =.=! Which is 5a.m. lolz ! And the next day I woke up at 8 a.m., wth *.* End up Sunday not feeling well @@!
This weekend & next week fully booked.
I have to do
- full report
- domo =P
Saturday – With pikky
Sunday – Karaoke with Syn & Lyn , then shopping, dinner ++
Monday – Karaoke & shopping
Tuesday – May be karaoke again ? Or House cleaning
Wednesday – House cleaning
Thursday – Reserved
Friday – Reserved
Saturday – Register hostel
Sunday – Back to uni
o.O may be :p
*Countdown * 4 more working days
Personally , zyniz love this doll !
I’m eNjoy1ng workInG in tHese 3 mOnths, reAsons *~*
(1) No exams no assignments no lectures
(2) and everyday I can eat at home ! Mum's cooking is a true labour of love, it's a meal I can eat and eat and eat, without feeling guilty!!
Bes!des thAt , FeNdi aNd i did a craZy thing iN the oFfice today . Here’s an 3xcitinG coll3ctioN oF s0me hilArious piCtureS thaT aRe guaRanteeD to ticKle y0ur funNyboNe!
Photographer : Zyniz
Model : Fendi
Venue : Schneider Electric HQ
Time : Lunch time
Theme : Crazy
He is cute isn't it ? or funny :p watever heheh!
Dark Magic added in my blog :)
Ever wanted to be a surgeon? Dark Magic is the right place for you !
Dark Cut 2 : Fall into the thick of the Civil War, and perform three surgeries on some of the worst wounds imaginable!
Ps* So , you may click n play in my blog now ^^
Ps*Underage pls don't play lolx!
TikTok TikTok TikTok!!
8:20A.M. – I’ve received a sms from my lecturer : “ I’m on my way ” *.*!
Oh my go oh my god! I was so nervous =.=! Hand also cold cold d T.T! My heart beat jump to 1000 /per min o.O! I thought that our meeting is at 10 a.m. , & why is he message me so early #.# Sob… he make me cannot sit , cannot eat , cannot think ,cannot work properly loh *.*!
8:30 A.M. – He still not here yet , may be he came from far far away ~.~ (remind me of Shrek * far far away kingdom * :P)
8:45 A.M - He should be coming over from my uni ,it takes 1 hour to reach my office.
9:30 A.M. – Still don’t see him, may be he came from Seremban? That one will be 1 and half hour then ~
10 A.M. – Where did he go ……… T.T If from Planet Mars also reach my office d T.T
10:30 A.M – Finally he is here !!! ^o^ My heart beat stop jor XD!
Finally , after 3 months of my training I only met my lecturer :D He’s friendly and really nice ! At least our meeting consider happy ending ^^ No more worries ! Starting from today I can relax ! oohohoho , I wanna eat fries , Burger , Nuggets ! Mc D ! Nyummy !! Hehehh!
Ps * – Mr Fendi(that famous brand ?! :P ) , tmr 2:30pm is your turn , Good luck !! ohohoho! U r planning to go to Nandos after the meeting with your lecturer right =P
Still have 1 more hour :p
Steamboat today ^o^ I just Lov3 it !!!
After our dinner , we went to NZX ( Niu Che Shui) have a walk :D Seriously ,nothing much in NZX +.+ !! Get cheated by the adv. All the shop almost the same. And the price for the items X cheap ! *.* I can get the same item cheaper from those shopping mall or night market or petaling street x.x!
I think no more 2nd time for me o.O! Who knows =P
By the way , one thing i must let you all know , pity zyniz today spent 10 hours for this blog because last night i accidentally deleted all my template ......................................!!!!!! End up my blog became ' clean & clear ' =.=!!!
So , do remember to back up all your files *.*!!
Additional news * >>>
Zyniz having a very bad internet connection for the past few days , and until now still the same + lousy connection,Wanna know how lousy ? ----> Every 5 secs disconnect , either browsing website or in game !!!
That is why today i spent 10 hours for my blog,because i really get disconnected for every 5 secs in that 10 hours !!
And worst in domo game , i dont dare to play doctor coz once i get disconnected, my team member will r.i.p coz w/o doctor heals T.T! And every time i tried to log in again " DANG! " Pop-up box " ID is online now " *.* SOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBB ! Really no hopes =(
I don't think i can online in msn or play domo with a stable line , so , lets pray for it T.T Bless me for getting a better connection *.*
*DEAR FRIENDS* I lost all my template including your link , pls TAG me your link 1 more time *.*!
Thank you very much!!
Today i woke up at 2:30 P.M. =.=!
I guess this is a good news for all the Malaysian ^o^
Quoted " PM said that there won't be any fuel price increase for the rest of the year. " (YEAR 2008 ONLY)
Does it means that on the 1st of January 2009 12 A.M. ,fuel price will increase ?!! May be we still have 6 more months to *enjoy* rm2.70 per litre fuel price o.O!
Point 2 > Road Tax
Point 3 > Maintenance fees
Point 4 > Car insurance
Point 5 > MISC
In conclusion = Don't think i can buy a car in the future x.x!
My puppy not feeling well T.T
Today whole day din't eat , din't drink much h2o , and din't even walk here & there T.T Normally mickey will jump here n There X.x!
Mickey * Get W3ll Soon *!!!!!!!!!!!
Dior Light (UsD 90.00 )
My dream item now :)
Necklace for the lips
DoMo = Dream Of Mirror Online
Some screenshots ^o^
For those ppls that are lazy to view the webby =P Here's some introduction for the game from the official site ^o^
Based on ancient Chinese mythology, Dream of Mirror Online is a world that features sacred artifacts. Central to the story is the sacred artifact "the Kunlun Mirror". According to the legends, the Kunlun Mirror not only created the world, but also has the power to destroy it. The Kunlun Mirror was originally created to record everything. The Kunlun Mirror reflects the real world and saves a copy of everything over to the Kunlun Mirror world. Time does not exist in the Kunlun Mirror world, only in memories. The managers of the Kunlun Mirror world, the Twelve Mirror Kings, are responsible for the care and operation of the Kunlun Mirror world.
Enter the world in the mirror to help the Mirror KingsNo one knows when it happened, but the Kunlun Mirror lost some of its clarity and is unable to precisely reflect reality. Adding to this trouble is the fact that some of the mirror kings have disappeared as well. It is thought that the reason behind these problems is due to the "delusions" created by human beings in the real world. When those "delusions" were reflected in the Kunlun Mirror, they turned into various odd life forms and interfered with the normal operation of the Kunlun Mirror.
To solve the Kunlun Mirror crisis, the mirror kings began calling real-world human beings into the Kunlun Mirror to assist in dealng with the problems created by the delusions in the human mind. This is why players are called to the mirror world. Since the "delusions" turn into dangerous monsters and ghosts in the Kunlun Mirror world, the mirror kings guarantee that the real world visitors cannot truly die in the Mirror world.
There are few professions for you to choose (more info can be found from the site )
Hunter,BladeMaster,Thief,Wizard,Doctor,Mercenary,Musician,Doctor etc
So what are you waiting for ??? Come and join me in game ^o^ My best sis syn syn also in oh !! Her IGN : Synee
Zyn zyn ---> IGN : qliz
This is the official site for domo,you can download the game from there ;)