1tb is better than 640gb
From a friend of mine +.+
" Reason because you can fill up a 640GB really fast, maybe less than 6 months if you're a drama fan, and 3 months if you're a blogger/photographer that takes pictures everyday and collect movie.
Let me make a simple calculation for you :
At 10 Megapixels, your photos are around 4-6MB per shot - 10 shots/day means 60MB maximum. In one month you're gonna use 1.8GB, 3 months equals 5.6GB. Not alot?
A drama is around 700MB - 1.5GB per movie in high quality. A drama of 20 Episodes is going to makan 30GB, that one is only 1 title! If you download or copy 5 titles a month, it's going to cost you 450GB.
Photos + drama = Full hard disk in 3 month's time, LOL!! "
How can i go and get another 500gb hdd =.=!!!! Unless fall from sky x.x
Labels: Gadgets
❤ "1tb is better than 640gb" was Posted On: Thursday, August 12, 2010 @8/12/2010 08:58:00 PM | 2 lovely comments ✿
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because small things
Name: Zyniz
Residing in: Castle in Europe
Uni: Master student
Birthday: 06.12
Status: Unavailable
Ich komme aus Asia und jetzt ich wohne in Deutschland. Ich liebe Kriminal
Romane, Singen und tanzen, und blogging ! Ich konne spreche viele Sprache Z.B.
Chinesische, Englische, Malaiisch, Deutsch, Japanisch, Kantonisch~!
I was born in Asia but living in Germany . Doing my Master program in
Europe and enjoying my life here, i had visited few countries in Europe and i
simply love it , the lifestyle , the weather , peoples and cultures is amazing
about my site
The Vampire Diaries by Zyniz has been my official personal blogging
site since July 2006.Oh my god ! It has been 9 years !! Online Game
Competition at 2006 are part of the reason for me to start blogging.At first i
just wanted to gain some bonus point for my competition, but i did not stop
blogging ever since then.
Recently i'm not really active in blogging, i think is good to have your own
private lifestyle and social is not virtually on the internet world , is the
real me you should know. I will continue blogging eventhough no reader :) It
is just my way.