The layout was made specially for me.
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Vampire Zyniz
Bonjour! Vampire Zyniz's here ! F.Y.I I'm not a normal human ~ i
can't stand under the sun , i love winter especially snowy season ! Now is
Summer in Europe and i really doesn't love sunny day T.T! I'm waiting for
winter again !
Insta Life
My 5678 likes
dogs blogging Blue iPad iPhone Macbook Camera Vacations YumCha McDonalds
Icecream Singing Shopping Internet ~too many things i reallay like, so i guess
u'll know more when u talk to me , because i can't tell u everything in such a
small boxes!!
Die Wunde blutet immer noch...Ihr ρlötzlicher Tod hat elle uberrascht..Wir spielen oft Domo miteinander...Sie ist ein zartes jetzt Sie verließ den Raum, ohne sich zu verabschieden...Selasal, Ich habe dich sehr vermisst.
Zyn ist traurig... Lass mich in Ruhe ! Sorg dich nichtum mich !
❤ "" was Posted On: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 @6/03/2009 02:01:00 PM | 0 lovely comments ✿
View with Google Chrome in a 1280 x 800 SR. Inspired by Kaith, Images from ♥♥♥ Cursor from Images from ♥
because small things
Name: Zyniz
Residing in: Castle in Europe
Uni: Master student
Birthday: 06.12
Status: Unavailable
Ich komme aus Asia und jetzt ich wohne in Deutschland. Ich liebe Kriminal
Romane, Singen und tanzen, und blogging ! Ich konne spreche viele Sprache Z.B.
Chinesische, Englische, Malaiisch, Deutsch, Japanisch, Kantonisch~!
I was born in Asia but living in Germany . Doing my Master program in
Europe and enjoying my life here, i had visited few countries in Europe and i
simply love it , the lifestyle , the weather , peoples and cultures is amazing
about my site
The Vampire Diaries by Zyniz has been my official personal blogging
site since July 2006.Oh my god ! It has been 9 years !! Online Game
Competition at 2006 are part of the reason for me to start blogging.At first i
just wanted to gain some bonus point for my competition, but i did not stop
blogging ever since then.
Recently i'm not really active in blogging, i think is good to have your own
private lifestyle and social is not virtually on the internet world , is the
real me you should know. I will continue blogging eventhough no reader :) It
is just my way.
Travel to Taiwan
Travel to Korea iPhone 4s
Graduate my Master!
Get a job for thesis
Go to Xixili Island
Go home New iPad Tsuya-Tsuya Angel Eyes Set Get my Visa
Save money
50% more Europe Trip
Sweden Trip to see Aurora
Alaska trip
Have a Gadget necklace
Collection of charm from different countries
Apple Room
Studio Recording Mic Pass IELTS
Aussie Trip Own a Digital Camera TX1 CyberShot iPhone 3g Graduate from Uni10 500GB harddisc Glasses
Go to Paris & London for 2nd time ♥
Own a unique Vintage journal Back to Malaysia to surprise mum Europe Trip with bb : Italy
* Special thanks to TeaCakeHouse for the blog template *
" Thank you for using BLOGSKINS.COM/ME/TEACAKEHOUSE layout
Please be very aware that I took time out of my life to make this layout for
you ):
DO NOT steal or rip
DO NOT remove credit
DO NOT use as basecode
DO NOT make a layout really similar to this one and say you didn't use this
layout as inspiration
DO NOT claim as yours
+If you convert pleasepleaseplease tell me and do not remove my credit. I
would appreciate you if you told me and credited me."