The Vampire Diaries by Zyniz
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 Pray for grandpa
觀 自 在 菩 薩 
行 深 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 時
照 見 五 蘊 皆 空
度 一 切 苦 厄
舍 利 子
色 不 異 空 空 不 異 色
色 即 是 空 空 即 是 色
受 想 行 識 亦 復 如 是
舍 利 子  
是 諸 法 空 相
不 生 不 滅
不 垢 不 淨
不 增 不 減
是 故 空 中 無 色
無 受 想 行 識
無 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意
無 色 聲 香 味 觸 法
無 眼 界 乃 至 無 意 識 界
無 無 明 亦 無 無 明 盡
乃 至 無 老 死 亦 無 老 死 盡
無 苦 集 滅 道
無 智 亦 無 得
以 無 所 得 故
菩 提 薩 埵
依 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 故
心 無 罣 礙
無 罣 礙 故 
無 有 恐 怖
遠 離 顛 倒 夢 想
究 竟 涅 槃
三 世 諸 佛
依 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 故
得 阿 耨 多 羅 三 藐 三 菩 提
故 知 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多
是 大 神 咒 
是 大 明 咒
是 無 上 咒
是 無 等 等 咒
能 除 一 切 苦
真 實 不 虛
故 說 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 咒
即 說 咒 曰 
揭 諦 揭 諦 波 羅 揭 諦  
波 羅 僧 揭 諦 菩 提 娑 婆 訶



Bō rě bō luó mì duō xīng jíng


Guān zì zaì pú sà
Xíng shēn bō rě bō luó mì duō shí
Zhào jiàn wǔ yùn jiē kōng 
Dù yí qiè kǔ è 
Shè lì zǐ
Sè bú yì kōng kōng bú yì sè
Sè jí shì kōng kōng jí shì sè
Shoù xiǎng xíng shì yì fù rǔ shì 
Shè lì zǐ 
Shì zhú fǎ kōng xiàng
Bù shēng bú miè
Bú goù bú jìng
Bù zēng bù jiàn
Shì gù kōng zhōngwú sè
Wú shòu xiǎng xíng shì 
Wú yǎn ěr bí shé shēn yì
Wú sè shēng xiāng weì chù fǎ
Wú yǎn jiè naǐ zhì wú yì shì jiè
Wú wú míng yì wú wú míng jìng
Naǐ zhì wú laò sǐ yì wú laó sǐ jìng
Wú kǔ jí miè da
Wú zhì yì wú dé
Yǐ wú suǒ dé gù
Pǔ tí sà duō
Yī bō rě bō luó mì duō gù 
Shīn wú guò aì  
Wú guò aì gù 
Wú yóu kǒng bù
Yuǎn lí dān daǒ mèng xiǎng
Jiù jìng niè pán
Sān shì zhū fó 
Yī bō rě bō luó mì duō gù
Dé ā nù duō luō sān miaǒ sān pǔ tí
Gù zī bō rě bō luó mì duō
Shì dà shén zhoù
Shì dà míng zhoù
Shì wú shàng zhoù 
Shì wú déng děng zhoù 
Néng chú yí qiè kǔ
Zhēn shí bù xū 
Gù shuō bō rě bō luó mì duō zhoù
Jí shuō zhoù yiē 
Ga te ga te pa ra ga te 
Pa ra sam ga te bo dhi sva ha a



Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva;
Practicing deeply on the Prajna Paramita;
Clearly sees that five skandhas are all empty; 
To relieve all suffering and distress. 
Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form;
Form is exactly emptiness; emptiness is exactly form;
Sensation, thought, impulse and consciousness are also like this. 
Despite appearances, all things are empty;
No birth and no end;
Not stained and not pure;
Without gain and without loss;
Therefore, in emptiness there is no form;
No sensation, no thought, no impulse, no consciousness;
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;
No form, sound, smell, taste, touch, knowledge;
No realm of sight, and even no realm of thought; 
No ignorance, also no end of ignorance; 
And even no aging and death, also no end of aging and death;
No suffering, no gathering, no annihilation and no path.
No wisdom, also no attainment;
As nothing is attained, therefore;
Follow Prajna Paramita and thereby; 
The mind is no hindrance or obstruction; 
No hindrance or obstruction, therefore;
There is no fear;
Far away from incoherent thought and fantasy;
And eventually – Nirvana.
All the Buddha's of the past, present and future;
Follow Prajna Paramita and thereby; 
Realize the ultimate and are completely awakened.
Therefore, know that Prajna Paramita;
Is the great divine mantra; 
Is the great enlightening mantra; 
Is the unsurpassed mantra; 
Is the incomparable mantra;
Able to eliminate all suffering;
This is all true and not in vain.
So propagate the Prajna Paramita mantra;
Set forth this mantra and say:
Ga-te Ga-te Pa-ra-ga-te Pa-ra-sam-ga-te Bo-dhi Sva-ha

luó duō xīng jíng
Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
Guān (zì zaì) (pú sà)
Observing self here bodhisattva
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva; *1
Xíng shēn (bō luó duō) shí
Doing deep Prajna Paramita time
Practicing deeply on the Prajna Paramita; *2
Zhaò jiàn yùn jiē kōng
Illuminate see five skandhas all empty
Clearly sees that five skandhas are all empty;
(yí qiè) è
Relieve one close to suffering distress
To relieve all suffering and distress. *3
Hut benefit child
Shariputra; *4
kōng kōng yi4
Form no differ empty empty no differ form
Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness not differ from form; *5
shì kōng kōng shì
Form exactly is empti-
ness empti-
ness exactly is form
Form is exactly emptiness; emptiness is exactly form;
Shoù xiǎng xíng shì shì
Sensation thought impulse conscious-
ness also too like this
Sensation, thought, impulse and consciousness are also like this.
Hut benefit child
Shì (zhū fǎ) kōng xiàng
This all method empty appearance
Despite appearances, all things are empty;
sheng1 miè
No birth no termination
No birth and no end;
goù jìng
No stained no pure
Not stained and not pure;
zēng jiǎn
No increase no decrease
Without gain and without loss;
(Shì gù) kōng zhōng
Therefore empty inside no form
Therefore, in emptiness there is no form;
shoù xiǎng xíng shì
No sensation thought action consciousness
No sensation, no thought, no impulse, no consciousness;
yǎn ěr shè shēn
No eye ear nose tongue body mind
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;
shēng xiāng weì chù
No colour sound smell taste touch knowledge
No form, sound, smell, taste, touch, knowledge;
yǎn jiè (naǐ zhì) (yì shì) jiè
No eye realm and even no consciousness realm
No realm of sight, and even no realm of thought;
(wú míng) (wú míng) jìng
No ignorance also no ignorance end
No ignorance, also no end of ignorance;
(Naǐ zhì) laó laó jìng
And even no old death also no old death end
And even no aging and death, also no end of aging and death;
miè daò
No suffering gathering cessation path
No suffering, no gathering, no annihilation and no path. *6
No wisdom also no attainment
No wisdom, also no attainment; *7 *8
(suǒ dé)
As nothing that attain therefore
As nothing is attained, therefore;
(Pǔ tí) duō
Bodhisattvas. *9
(bō luó duō)
Follow (general seems wave gather sweet much) thereby
Follow Prajna Paramita and thereby;
Shīn guò
Mind no hindrance obstruction
The mind is no hindrance or obstruction;
No hindrance obstruc-
tion therefore
No hindrance or obstruction, therefore;
yóu (kōng bù)
No have fear
There is no fear;
Yuǎn (diān daǒ) (mèng xiǎng)
Far away incoherent fantasy
Far away from incoherent thought and fantasy;
(Jiù jìng) (niè pán)
Finally after all dye tray
And eventually – Nirvana. *10
Sān shì zh
Three generation all Buddhas
All the Buddhas of the past, present and future; *11
(bō luó duo1)
Follow Prajna Paramita thereby
Follow Prajna Paramita and thereby;
duō luō) sān miaǒ sān (pǔ tí)
Attain the ultimate three correct three awake
Realize the ultimate and are completely awakened. *12
(bō luó duō)
Therefore know Prajna Paramita
Therefore, know that Prajna Paramita;
Shì shén zhoù
Is great divine mantra
Is the great divine mantra;
Shì míng zhoù
Is great bright mantra
Is the great enlightening mantra;
Shì shàng zhoù
Is no above mantra
Is the unsurpassed mantra;
Shì (déng děng) zhoù
Is no equivalent mantra
Is the incomparable mantra; *13
Néng chú (yí qiè)
Can eliminate all suffering
Able to eliminate all suffering;
Zhēn shí
True real no false
This is all true and not in vain.
shuō (bō luó duō) zhoù
Therefore say Prajna Paramita mantra
So propagate the Prajna Paramita mantra;
shuō zhoù yiē
Promptly set forth mantra say
Set forth this mantra and say:
Ga te Ga te Pa ra ga te
Gate Gate Paragate
Pa ra sam ga te Bo dhi Sva ha a
Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha *14

"Pray for grandpa" was Posted On: Monday, January 30, 2012 @1/30/2012 07:50:00 AM | 0 lovely comments

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