Amazing tips for applying watermark to multiple photos at one time in photoshop cs2
I found out some cool tips for blogger who love to apply watermark on their photossssss in photoshop . As for me , i'm too lazy to apply watermark one by one on my photos in photoshop , Last time i spent for 8 hours just to add watermark on my whole album so that i can upload it on my blog , by doing that really silly & killing my time , kind of wasting my time =.=! And now , here's the solution !!! Thanks god x.x Stupid me now only know how to do it . In order to not to make myself so stupid anymore , and also let you don't feel so stupid ( if you don't know how to apply watermark in multiple photos with just a few clicks )
So i'm here to share the it out with you all*
(A) How to design a watermark ( If you already knew it then ignore this part )
(B) How to apply watermark in multiple photos
(A) How to design a watermark
- First I will open a new file, this time I will need a very large size just to make sure that any photo I use is less or equal this size of watermark logo, so i'll be sure that it will not exceed any photo size I worked on.
- So this new file for the watermark will be different from one to anther, In my case I know that my designs will not exceed 3000px height or width, so I will set this new watermark design to 3000*3000 pixels, and 300 pixels/inch resolution.
- Now you can add your watermark, it can be a text, logo or just a shape.
- In my case I will write my name with a big font to cover a large area, using the type tool;
Color: Black
Font: Tahoma
Size: 300px.
Bold and centered.
- Then I will add a Copyright shape using the custom shape tool,
- Now I will make sure that my background is transparent, so I will remove the background layer from the layer pallet, so now there is only tow layers, one text layer with my name on it, the second with the copyright shape
- What we will do now is to add a little layer style to our layers.
- With the Text Layer active;
1- Add a new layer style by clicking on the add new layer style Icon in your layers pallet, then chose Blending options.
In Blinding options; Leave all setting, I'll change only the Fill Opacity option from 100 to 20.
2-In Blending options shoes Bevel and Emboss style and just add more depth to the text, so in the depth option I'll add 150% to the depth of my text "you can add your special style to your text".
3-Hit Ok
- With the Shape Layer active;
1- Add a new layer style by clicking on the add new layer style Icon in your layers pallet, then chose Blending options.
In Blinding options; Leave all setting, I'll change only the Fill Opacity option from 100 to 0.
2-In Blending options shoes Bevel and Emboss style and just add more depth to the text, so in the depth option I'll add 600% to the depth of my text "you can add your special style to your text".
3-Hit Ok
The watermark is now ready to applied to any photo, so what we have to do now is to save this watermark "psd" file in a specific place in your hard drive, and make sure that these psd file is always at the same location.
I'll save it as watermark.psd
(B) How to apply watermark in multiple photos
In your Actions Pallet chose the default Action set, then hit a new Action Icon, Name it as you want, I'll name it Watermark Then Hit RECORD;
- Then I will Go File>Open and chose a photo from my designed photos folder and just hit Open.
- Now after open a new photo, as you will see the action is already start recording, so you will find an open step in the new watermark action,
What I'm going do now is to apply our watermark to this particular photo, all I have to do to make this happen is;
Go To File>Place , Then select the watermark we've done in the last part. Then hit Place.
You seen the magic !! after placing the psd file into our photo, the Photoshop Place command automatically sizes, fits, centuries and place any object in the exact same center of you image or file no matter what size your image was, this is a lot easier than copy and pasting...
- Now all you have to do is submit the Placing command by clicking Check mart "Commit transform bottom" in the Place bar " as seen in attached photo" .
- Now in your layer Pallet you will find 2 layers, the image layer and the watermark layer, so all we have to do is to flatten this layers into one layer
Just go to the small arrow in you layer pallet and hit Flatten Image
- Save your watermarked Image any place you want, Go to file>Save As then save your photo.
- Now click on the Stop recording bottom in the actions pallet to stop recording your new Action.
Then close the image.
As you will see in the attached image and on your new action, we have our open step, the place watermark step, flatten all layers and save image, so we have our new watermark action ready to use in our next and last part.
Go To File >> AUTOMATE >> Batch.
In the new Batch dialog box;
- In Play section shoes set >> then select default Actions
- In Actions List, Select our new watermark action we've done earlier.
- In the source Section, Click Choose then select your image Folder you want to apply this action on.
- Here is what's important, you need to select Override Action "Open" Command, to override all open commands that's already been made in our watermark action.
- Then now in Destination section, Select Folder from the destination list.
- Click Choose and select your destination folder.
- Again we will override the save as command, to override it with the new location we choose for the new watermarked images, So select Override Action "save as" Commands
- You have another options you may chose like rename all new Images, using a serial number or turn on the Mac or Widows compatibility.
What you will see is that the Photoshop automatically open every image in your source folder one bye one, apply the water mark action on it, then save in on your new destination folder.
Labels: watermark