iphone ringtone
Didn't know that iTunes 9 modify some button , because the convert to ACC button was missing in iTunes 9 , so here is how you create iPhone ringtone with iTunes 9 :)
Hola ! I found the ringtone method :) Very easy just the button move to other places on iTunes 9 ^^ I've tried . It works !
1. Get access to the mp3 or wav file that you want to convert to a ringtone.
2. Drag the file into iTunes
3. Select the file in iTunes and then select Convert Selection to AAC in the Advanced menu. ( This is the button i can't find previously hehehhe! )
4. Select your new AAC file and select Show in Finder in the File menu
5. In finder, select the file and select Get Info from the File menu
6. Change the file extension from .m4a to .m4r
7. Confirm when the dialog asks if you really want to make the change
8. Drag the new file back into iTunes. The original files will remain but the ringtone will disappear. (It is actually being moved to following location: ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Ringtones )
9. Connect your iPhone and select the Ringtone tab. Select the new ringtone that has been created.
10. Now sync your iphone with iTunes.
11. In your iPhone assign the ringtone to whomever you wish.
Labels: iTunes
❤ "iphone ringtone" was Posted On: Saturday, May 15, 2010 @5/15/2010 09:57:00 AM | 0 lovely comments ✿
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Name: Zyniz
Residing in: Castle in Europe
Uni: Master student
Birthday: 06.12
Status: Unavailable
Ich komme aus Asia und jetzt ich wohne in Deutschland. Ich liebe Kriminal
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I was born in Asia but living in Germany . Doing my Master program in
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