You Drive me Crazy !
I'm CraZy !~
3Xam Drive me Crazy ~!
StuDy Drive M3 Crazy ~.~"~~~!!!
Hehehehahahhahahha huhuhu~ must release some stress before i go inside the tomb T.T
I feel grey T.T Nvm !!!! BleSSS Level 10 Should Be EnougH! HEheheh ! Wish me luck oh ~!
Will be back on ApriL Fool , also my last day of final 3xam ^^
Tata yah !! Muacckssssssssssss!!
Dating with Nat NaT
Yesterday I received a sms from my dear ' zi mui ' - Nat Nat
"" Hey gal... Free tmr ? Accompany me go shopping ? ""
Of course yes! Lolz~ You ask me why? I can tell you why. There are few reason why i'm saying yes !
(1) Finished all my midterm test 2 for sure need to rest awhile!
(2) Final exam near near ~left 1 week- for sure need to release some stress before i go CrazY-studying !
(3) This few weeks busy with my kor kor's wedding, finally everything completed ,and now is my turn to walk around !
(4) I am a girl . AND girl always say not enough shopping eventhough everyday also going out .
AND girl always says
Dress- tak cukup
Cosmetic - tak CukuP
Pants- tak CuKup
Accesories - TaK cUkuP
Money - FOR SURE Tak CuKup hohohohohoho~
Very cute stage !
Cute isn't ??!! ^.^
Syn + Zyn
Ekekekke Shoot shoot shoot you !!!
Oioyoyoy shoot shoot shoot me ?!
While we are waiting for our food @ Wong Kok~TIme to play some Effect *~!
Nice feel ~
Finally can eat ^^
JusCo BIG SALES ~~~The cheapest Shirt that i bought! Guess how much ??
This time not Ripleys Believe It Or Not, is Zyniz Believe It Or Not =P
One shirt Normal Price is RM9.90 PLUSSSSSS 70% OFF !!!
Means NOT EVENT RM3 for one SHIRT!!!!
Lol!!!!!! I bought this 2 shirt < RM6 hohohohoho~Untung Untung kekekek~!!
Part 1 : Wedding@ KL
Erm erm what???! Kiss the doggy ???? Sing i love u + dancing ?? Drinking some 'Unknown ' liquid V.V
Natalie + COnnie ^^
For now , i only have these photos, others coming soon oh , coz i need to eait for the photographer to pass me the photos only can upload it up yah ^^ Just wait for it !
-Part 1 - End -
Natalie's birthdAy
先報告一下﹐元宵節過後就是我的好姐妹雪兒的生日﹐當天我們去吃了ChiLis一頓大餐。之後又去選購相框來放我們在Bukit Tinggi Resort 所拍下來的照片。rm5 的Frame 值得吧﹗
這一本Guest Book花了我5個小時@@
LAst week 馬六甲女家的結婚晚宴主題是金色﹐指甲當然也要配合一下主題嘛~